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Hays, Kansas

Kansas, LLC



It is great to have you here! I'm guessing you wandered to this site because you are interested in speech therapy services for your child or a loved one. I know the initial steps can be intimidating, but my goal is to help make it simple and comfortable for you and your child. Below you will find a little about myself, services that are provided, and my contact information.


About Me


I am an ASHA-certified speech-language pathologist (SLP) in the area of Hays, Kansas. I am the founder and owner of Sunflower Speech Therapy of Kansas. I also work at an elementary school in the state of Washington through teletherapy. I highly enjoy both in person and teletherapy speech services. Interacting with and impacting kiddos has always been my passion. 


My Why

I knew I wanted to work with children, but I did not necessarily want to be a teacher. One day I was babysitting a girl who was recovering from cancer treatment. Due to the radiation, she developed paralysis on one side of her face. While I was babysitting, her SLP came to work with her. It was so FUN! They got to play together while improving communication skills. From that day forward, I knew I wanted to be a speech therapist. My goal is to make therapy fun and engaging while building effective communication skills!

I am originally from Colorado, but I adventured to Kansas for college. I received my Bachelors's and Master's degree at Fort Hays State University. 



I live in Hays, Kansas with my daughter. Hays is our home and I strive to be a huge part of it's community.

Services Provided

1st Step

I believe it is highly important to find the best provider for your child. I would love to be that person. I offer free consultations to personally get to know you and your child and discuss your communication concerns and goals for your child.

It is not required, but it is recommended that you receive a speech and language referral from your child's physician (FAQ). 

2nd Step

An evaluation is a huge step to determine the level of your child's communication skills compared to children of the same age. An evaluation can also determine needed services as well as goals that should be targeted in speech therapy.

If your child has a current or recent evaluation from the school, this document most likely will be accepted.

3rd Step

Now the fun begins! I will create personally designed goals based on your child's communication needs. We will work together to improve these skills through specially designed instruction and engaging activities.


I currently work with children (ages 2-16) with speech, fluency, and language delays or disorders. If you have any questions about whether your child fits in one of these categories, please email me or set up a free consultation. 


Please provide your information and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

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Frequently Asked Questions


Can I attend my child's therapy session?


Of course! It is actually encouraged for a parent/caregiver to be involved so that they can learn techniques and skills to carry over into their child's everyday life. 

How long are therapy sessions?


The length of the session can depend on many factors, including the severity of the disorder/ delay and the child's age. Sessions usually average from 30-60 minutes per week.  

Do you accept insurance?


Sunflower Speech Kansas is currently in network with BlueCross BlueShield and is in the process of becoming an in-network provider with more insurance companies. For those who have out-of-network insurance, a superbill can be submitted to your insurance for reimbursement.

How do I know if insurance will cover my visit?


You can call the number provided on your insurance card to ask about their process for filing out-of-network claims. For more information on how to do this, click on the attachment below.

Why do you recommend a Doctor's referral?


While I do not require a doctor's referral in order to provide services to your child, I do recommend one. I recommend it solely for insurance purposes. All insurances are different and may only cover speech services if it is ordered by a physician. If you are concerned about insurance coverage, please check with your insurance to see what they will and will not cover. 

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